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Elden Ring Sorcerer Build Attributes

Elden Ring Magic Builds: A Guide to Becoming a Powerful Sorcerer


In the vast realm of Elden Ring, magic users wield immense power, capable of decimating foes from afar and harnessing the elements to their advantage. Among the various magic builds, the Sorcerer stands out as a formidable choice, offering a wide array of spells and incantations. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of crafting a powerful Sorcerer build, from choosing the right attributes to mastering the art of spellcasting.


The foundation of any Elden Ring build lies in the attributes that you choose to invest in. For a Sorcerer, Intelligence is the primary attribute, influencing the strength and effectiveness of all your spells. It also determines the number of spell slots you have available. Aim to raise Intelligence as high as possible, as it will significantly boost your damage output.

In addition to Intelligence, Mind is another crucial attribute for Sorcerers. Mind governs your Focus Points (FP), which are essential for casting spells. A higher Mind value allows you to equip more spells and cast them more frequently. Consider investing enough Mind to comfortably cast your desired spells without running out of FP.

Spell Selection

Sorcerers have access to a vast arsenal of spells, each with its unique properties and strengths. Some of the most popular and effective spells include:

  • Glintstone Pebble: A basic but versatile spell that fires a quick and long-range projectile.
  • Rock Sling: A slow but powerful spell that deals high damage and can stagger enemies.
  • Carian Piercer: A high-speed spell that travels in a straight line and can pierce through multiple enemies.
  • Ranni's Dark Moon: A powerful homing spell that deals magic damage and pierces through obstacles.
  • Comet Azur: An incredibly powerful spell that fires a massive beam of magic, but at the cost of a significant FP consumption.

Tailor your spell selection to suit your playstyle and preferences, experimenting with different combinations to find what works best for you.


The right equipment can further enhance your Sorcerer's capabilities. Here are some key items to consider:

  • Staves: Staves are the primary weapons of Sorcerers, determining the casting speed, range, and damage of your spells. Choose a staff with high Intelligence scaling, such as the Carian Regal Scepter or the Azur's Glintstone Staff.
  • Talismans: Talismans are equippable items that provide various passive bonuses. The Graven-School Talisman, for example, increases the damage of sorcery skills.
  • Armor: While Sorcerers are not known for their defensive capabilities, choosing light armor with high Focus Point regeneration can be beneficial, such as the Sorcerer Robe or the Carian Knight Set.

Gameplay Strategies

Mastering the art of spellcasting is essential for becoming an effective Sorcerer in Elden Ring. Here are a few tips:

  • Maintain Distance: Sorcerers excel at long-range combat. Keep your distance from enemies and use your spells to whittle down their health from afar.
  • Manage FP: Spells consume Focus Points, so be mindful of your FP consumption. Use FP-efficient spells when possible and consider using consumables like Cerulean Tears to restore FP.
  • Utilize the Environment: Use the environment to your advantage. Obstacles can block enemy attacks and allow you to cast spells uninterrupted.
  • Be Patient: Casting spells takes time. Be patient and wait for the right moment to strike, especially against agile or aggressive enemies.


Creating a powerful Sorcerer in Elden Ring requires a combination of careful attribute allocation, well-chosen spells, and strategic gameplay. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to harnessing the immense power of magic and becoming a formidable force on the battlefield.
